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  • Done a credit card payment on 19th May at Aeron pay app but till now it's not settled.Giving excuses only.Aeron pay is a fraud app.Can I complain in Cyber crime fraud department.
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    Reactions: Skylar
    saurabh karakoti
    Aeron pay is owned by bhavesh soni. You can escalate this matter to bhavesh soni and also keep NPCI in the loop. If the issue is not resolved then you can proceed further with the FIR and legal action.
    Ankit Dwivedi
    Ankit Dwivedi
    In this case, you must contact Aeron Pay Support via email or phone. Notify Your Bank of the unresolved payment. Report the issue to the Cyber Crime Portal ( ) providing all evidence. Also, File a complaint with consumer protection agencies as well (
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