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  1. ShavirB

    Where can I find the credit card excel for comparison?

    Happy to convert the excel into an App or website if any techie from the community can help us build this
  2. ShavirB

    Hacks To Save TAX for Employees

    One of the biggest Hacks used by CAs
  3. ShavirB

    Help me Find best bank for Educational Loan !!!

    For 1st query - yes that is possible. Bank will sanction the entire 15 lakhs, its upto you how much you want to drawdown from that amount. Generally PSU Banks offers cheaper Educations Loans. I would also recommend you to watch this video for some additional tips
  4. ShavirB

    New car buying insurance

    You should go for a comprehensive insurance, just please make sure to compare the prices online before buying from dealer
  5. ShavirB

    Input needed on a critical credit cards study

    Done. If you can reduce this to a single question, will be happy to share the poll on bekifaayati's Youtube/ Instagram Community. You'll get decent responses
  6. ShavirB

    Personal Development

    Hi, this is a very broad question. Can you be more specific?
  7. ShavirB

    Input needed on a critical credit cards study

    Tried filling it.. Quit midway looking at the number of questions.. Suggestion: Reduce the number of questions and make it 1-2 pager.
  8. ShavirB

    Car insurance

    You should go with Recommended IDV Value. Easier to justify in case of any eventualities. For Best Car Insurance, you can watch this video
  9. ShavirB

    Converting existing Bank account to NRO / NRE account

    No, you should convert your Resident Accounts into NRE/ NRO or close them.. Having a Resident Account as an NRI is in direct violation of FEMA laws and may attract certain penalties
  10. ShavirB

    RBL Bank Fraud

    Can complain directly on RBI's portal
  11. ShavirB

    Grow With Me

    Hi! Welcome to the community :)
  12. ShavirB

    RBL Bank Fraud

    Speak to the branch manager if the FD was made offline. And if they don't agree to refund, consider raising a complaint in RBI ombudsman. Very high chances that you'll get your refund immediately
  13. ShavirB

    HDFC Bank salary Account

    Does your Current Employer have HDFC as an empanelled Banker for Salary Account?
  14. ShavirB

    NRIs - 12 Financial Things to Sort Immediately

    In this article we’ll cover 12 Things which NRIs should sort immediately 1) Bank Accounts In case you didn’t know, as per FEMA laws it is ILLEGAL for NRIs to have an Indian Resident Account and doing so can attract hefty penalties. In case you’re wondering, if you’re found to be holding a...
  15. ShavirB

    New car buying insurance

    You can check this video on Best Car Insurance. You'll get your answer
  16. ShavirB

    ADs on Bekifayti

    Ads will disappear in 2-3 days
  17. ShavirB


    To start off your journey, you can watch this video
  18. ShavirB

    Trend in mutual fund#mutual fund#sip#investment

    Correct, which is why this community has been created
  19. ShavirB

    Transfer share to other account

    Taken directly from Angel On's website For online transfer of shares, follow the steps mentioned below: Step 1: First, you need to get registered with CDSL Easiest, after which further steps will need to be taken. Step 2: After the depository participant, i.e. CDSL, has finished verifying...
  20. ShavirB

    Which mutual fund is better for 3 years

    You can watch this video for some information on Best Funds in different categories