Honestly if the Loan is bothering you, you should use both methods to decrease the Loan Burden. My advice would be don't stretch yourself too much, try to prepay only what you're 100% comfortable with. If you put all your extra earnings into paying off your loan, you'll forget to live your life
Ideally, FD Interest Income should added Every Year. Interest Income threshold for TDS deduction is Rs. 50,000, so if you add Income Every Year it'll be below the threshold limit.
FD for Minor Account will be clubbed with Parent Income
Yes, this does sound like a shady transaction.. This is the reason for account debit. Please get in touch with your bank, most likely they will ask you to sign some sort of disclosures before removing the ban
You will need to check with the Bank for the reason for this Debit Freeze, only then we can figure out the solution. Possibly the amount you're sending is high
Pls understand that better policy will come at a cost. If you choose a policy with additional and superior features the annual premiums will definitely shoot up