You might request to start card relationship again. It might be not possible to recover previous card. If the card was closed, how you still were able to buy things from that same card? Even if the card restarts, they might issue you a new one. In that case, you won't be able to get the cashback...
Yes, it might be mandatory that the numbers are same. It is the only way for the bank to match the identities and give you cashback. Do you have bank account with HDFC?
Interest rates offered by different financial institutions are:
Punjab National Bank (PNB): 8.55% to 8.75% per annum, lowest in the market.
State Bank of India (SBI): Starting at 9.05% per annum.
HDFC Bank: Offers competitive rates starting with at 9.10% per annum.
Muthoot Finance and...
I think you can easily get contact details of nodal officer, regional head or credit manager. They might help you with this. MD/CEO won't be able discuss on an issue with you
The best way to receive foreign currency in India is through wire transfer to your bank via services like SWIFT or apps like Wise. Ensure your account is authorized for foreign remittances. Alternatively, use services like PayPal for smaller amounts. Always comply with RBI guidelines.
You can try loading money in your wallet. That is a way to do it. Apart from that, Housing website allows rent payment through credit cards. I don't know if Amex card will work or not. But, you can still try.
If the difference between interest rate you are getting compared between both is considerable good. Then only you should go with Loan Against shares. Your investment is at risk if you go for loan against shares. But on the other hand, there won't be such a thing in personal loans
Your business place comes under which of these premises:
Own Premises: You need to submit electricity bill copy of property tax copy
Rented or Leased Premises: Copy of valid rental lease agreement