
  1. N

    Which is the best investment for a baby girl

    Hello Guys, Could you please tell me which is the best investment in terms of Mutual Fund for a baby girl. I have two SIP SBI small cap and SBI index fund direct growth currently. Thanks, Neeraj
  2. smakash111

    His Mutual Fund investment method sounds Interesting. Can you help me understand and elaborate his technique with examples?

    Can you help me understand and elaborate his technique with examples?
  3. K

    Mutual Fund Portfolio Suggestion for New SIP Investor

    Hi All, Please share your opinion or suggestions for this fund selection and allocations for a new 34-year-old SIP investor who wants to continue for the next 10 years. Mutual Fund Allocation% Final Fund Name Large CAP 10 Nippon India Large Cap Fund Multi/Flexi 25 Nippon India Multi...