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749 cibil score not getting any credit card all are got declined. I make every payment on time but not getting a credit card
How many credit enquires as of your latest credit report?749 cibil score not getting any credit card all are got declined. I make every payment on time but not getting a credit card
hw many cards do u have? how much limit?? what is due / utilization? when did u get them? income range? how many enquiry in the last 6 M, How many were rejected.. with all this info.. the answer can be given.. any chg in cibil over last 6M749 cibil score not getting any credit card all are got declined. I make every payment on time but not getting a credit card
These are some points that you can make sure about and than you apply to increase your chances.749 cibil score not getting any credit card all are got declined. I make every payment on time but not getting a credit card
Try getting a free cibil score from transunion website.It will show u ur credit utilization ratio, credit age and payments history.Based on that u can plan.If we try applying for multiple cards u will be seen as credit hungry and be refused. Plan and apply.749 cibil score not getting any credit card all are got declined. I make every payment on time but not getting a credit card