Airtel Payments Bank fetched wrong spelling of name from CKYC


KF Mentor
I opened my account in Airtel Payments Bank in February and it fetched details from CKYC which is similar to my main bank account but reflecting wrong name.

I request Airtel Payments Bank to rectify the same but they are asking to provide Gazetted Notification showing I havw changed my name...
They don't try to understand the issue.


KF Master
I opened my account in Airtel Payments Bank in February and it fetched details from CKYC which is similar to my main bank account but reflecting wrong name.

I request Airtel Payments Bank to rectify the same but they are asking to provide Gazetted Notification showing I havw changed my name...
They don't try to understand the issue.
Bro complain to RBI,
These stupid CS of these banks will waste your time until RBI enters the stage.


KF Rookie
write a letter by mentioning everything in detail to them and ask their reply in written. if they are not understanding they go to their website and raise a complain. Banks are bound to resolve the complains raised.

Ghost King

KF Rookie
I opened my account in Airtel Payments Bank in February and it fetched details from CKYC which is similar to my main bank account but reflecting wrong name.

I request Airtel Payments Bank to rectify the same but they are asking to provide Gazetted Notification showing I havw changed my name...
They don't try to understand the issue.
It's frustrating when you encounter this kind of situation, especially when the issue seems to stem from a technical error rather than an actual name change. Here's a breakdown of your situation and what you can do:

Understanding the Problem:

* CKYC: CKYC (Know Your Customer) is a process banks use to verify your identity and prevent fraud. It usually involves linking your account to your Aadhaar or other government-issued documents.
* Incorrect Name: It sounds like the CKYC details pulled into your Airtel Payments Bank account are incorrect, and they don't match your actual name.
* Gazetted Notification: Airtel Payments Bank is likely asking for a gazetted notification because they need official proof of a name change. However, in your case, you haven't changed your name; there's just an error in the system.

What to Do:

1. Escalate the Issue:
* Call Customer Support: Call Airtel Payments Bank's customer support number and explain the situation in detail. Be calm and polite but firm in explaining that your name has not changed.
* Email Support: If calling doesn't yield results, send a detailed email outlining the issue and attaching any relevant documents (like your Aadhaar card with the correct name).
* Visit a Branch: If possible, visit an Airtel Payments Bank branch and speak to a representative in person. This can be more effective in getting their attention.

2. Provide Supporting Documents:
* Aadhaar Card: If your Aadhaar card shows the correct name, this is your primary piece of evidence.
* Other ID Proof: Any other government-issued photo ID that reflects your correct name (like a passport, PAN card, voter ID, etc.) can also help.

3. Stay Persistent:
* Follow Up: If you don't get a resolution immediately, keep following up with the bank through calls, emails, or visits.
* Complaint: If your issue remains unresolved, consider filing a complaint with the banking ombudsman. You can find information on their website and how to file a complaint.

Additional Tips:

* Gather Your Information: Before contacting the bank, have all your relevant documents readily available.
* Be Prepared to Explain: Be prepared to explain the situation thoroughly, and politely request they review your case and update the records.
* Document Everything: Keep records of all communication with the bank, including dates, times, and details of the conversation. This will help if you need to escalate the issue further.

It's important to remember that banks have a responsibility to verify customer identities. However, they should also be willing to work with you to resolve issues that arise from technical errors. Stay persistent and don't give up until the issue is resolved!


KF Mentor
It's frustrating when you encounter this kind of situation, especially when the issue seems to stem from a technical error rather than an actual name change. Here's a breakdown of your situation and what you can do:

Understanding the Problem:

* CKYC: CKYC (Know Your Customer) is a process banks use to verify your identity and prevent fraud. It usually involves linking your account to your Aadhaar or other government-issued documents.
* Incorrect Name: It sounds like the CKYC details pulled into your Airtel Payments Bank account are incorrect, and they don't match your actual name.
* Gazetted Notification: Airtel Payments Bank is likely asking for a gazetted notification because they need official proof of a name change. However, in your case, you haven't changed your name; there's just an error in the system.

What to Do:

1. Escalate the Issue:
* Call Customer Support: Call Airtel Payments Bank's customer support number and explain the situation in detail. Be calm and polite but firm in explaining that your name has not changed.
* Email Support: If calling doesn't yield results, send a detailed email outlining the issue and attaching any relevant documents (like your Aadhaar card with the correct name).
* Visit a Branch: If possible, visit an Airtel Payments Bank branch and speak to a representative in person. This can be more effective in getting their attention.

2. Provide Supporting Documents:
* Aadhaar Card: If your Aadhaar card shows the correct name, this is your primary piece of evidence.
* Other ID Proof: Any other government-issued photo ID that reflects your correct name (like a passport, PAN card, voter ID, etc.) can also help.

3. Stay Persistent:
* Follow Up: If you don't get a resolution immediately, keep following up with the bank through calls, emails, or visits.
* Complaint: If your issue remains unresolved, consider filing a complaint with the banking ombudsman. You can find information on their website and how to file a complaint.

Additional Tips:

* Gather Your Information: Before contacting the bank, have all your relevant documents readily available.
* Be Prepared to Explain: Be prepared to explain the situation thoroughly, and politely request they review your case and update the records.
* Document Everything: Keep records of all communication with the bank, including dates, times, and details of the conversation. This will help if you need to escalate the issue further.

It's important to remember that banks have a responsibility to verify customer identities. However, they should also be willing to work with you to resolve issues that arise from technical errors. Stay persistent and don't give up until the issue is resolved!
Issue got resolved after I filed complaint in RBI