Avoid Convenience Fees while making Electricity/Other Bill Payments with CC


KF Rookie
We all know that if you pay any sort of bill with your Credit Card you're charged a convenience fee. However, I recently found out a loophole through which it can be avoided.

Instead of paying directly you can buy a Amazon Gift Card and pay it through that gift card. Gift Cards can be directly purchased on the Amazon app.

Example: Let's say your Electricity Bill for this month is ₹3,000. So instead of paying ₹3,000 directly from your CC use the CC to buy a Amazon Gift Card of ₹3,000 and then add that gift card to your Amazon Pay Wallet. Then use your wallet balance to pay the bill.

NOTE: This only works on bill payments below ₹50,000 (most Indian households) as Amazon has a upper limit of ₹50,000 on bill payments.
