Best time to invest in MF


KF Mentor
Pundits say it's futile to time market. It's better to stagger investments through SIP for rupee cost averaging. Or specific situations like COVID, election time dip etc


KF Rookie
In longer run the dates doesn't matter much. Even I thought of this in my initial investing days and split the amount into 2 and did 1st of the month and 15th of month.. But after 4 years now.. The difference is very very minimal.

My advise is to stay consistent on any dates..
And make use of any big falls via lumpsum amount


KF Rookie
Hardly makes a difference, if you are invested for long term. Still if you want to reduce/cover the risk ; split a SIP into 2 across 15 days. or opt for weekly SIP instead of monthly

But this really doesn't matter in long term. Invest with discipline & consistency


KF Mentor
Hardly makes a difference, if you are invested for long term. Still if you want to reduce/cover the risk ; split a SIP into 2 across 15 days. or opt for weekly SIP instead of monthly

But this really doesn't matter in long term. Invest with discipline & consistency
avoid first few days.. minimal difference.. but there is some