Credit Card CIBIL/ Experian Reporting Date


Staff member
Hi All,

To maximise your Credit Score, your Credit Utilization must be kept below 30%. For this we should know on which date your Card Issuer/ Bank sends monthly reports to Credit Bureau (CIBIL, Experian, etc) so that we can clear our CC Outstanding before this date..

Sharing this data for a Couple of Card Issuers that I know of

HDFC Bank - End of Month (30/ 31st)
SBI Cards- 3 Days Post Bill Due Date

Please keep adding data for Other Credit Cards


KF Rookie
Bob / HDFC / Kotak - 30/31
RBL - Bill generation dt.
Sbi 3days after due date but i noticed the complete bill amount was updated for example my bill dt was 5june and due dt was 25 june. As of 28june outstanding was 36352 but in cibil it included txn of 2480 done on 4 july jst one day before bill dt 5 july Totaling 38832(jst reporting on 3days after due dt but report the bill amount)


KF Ace
Bob / HDFC / Kotak - 30/31
RBL - Bill generation dt.
Sbi 3days after due date but i noticed the complete bill amount was updated for example my bill dt was 5june and due dt was 25 june. As of 28june outstanding was 36352 but in cibil it included txn of 2480 done on 4 july jst one day before bill dt 5 july Totaling 38832(jst reporting on 3days after due dt but report the bill amount)


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KF Rookie
I want to say reporting dt is 3days post due dt. But reporting amount is the complete billing amount. I will prove this with three example with 3 different post.
Case 1
Bill dt. 18
Due dt. 7
Reporting dt. 11
As of above image my outstanding as of 11/7 were 151561000134472.jpg
But check my cibil update1000134476.jpg
It clearly shows reporting dt. Is 11/7 but doesn't update the outstanding as on the reporting dt. Instead update billing amount.


KF Rookie
Case 2
Bill dt. 5
Due dt. 25
Reporting dt. 28Screenshot_20240819_091338_Chrome.jpg
As of 28 (reporting dt.) Outstanding was 5911
But in cibil....
The same amount was billed that was updating in cibil. As it includes the two transactions done after the reporting dt. Till bill dt.


KF Rookie
Case 3 (intresting one)
Bill dt. 5
Due dt. 25
Reporting dt. 28
Here no Transaction after reporting dt. Till billing dt. So outstanding as of 28 and billing dt gets same IMG-20240819-WA0001.jpg

And finally this case also satify the condition.


KF Rookie
Hope now you can understand that for sbi reporting dt. Is 3days post due dt. But reporting amount is billing amount.
* Don't confuse in total limit i recently got my limit transfer
* Also analyse properly so you can get example of experian also.
Hope it helps.
#SBI Reporting Date #Sbi Utilization Reporting #Cibil Reporting #Sbi Cibil Reporting # Sbi Cards
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KF Rookie
Hi All,

To maximise your Credit Score, your Credit Utilization must be kept below 30%. For this we should know on which date your Card Issuer/ Bank sends monthly reports to Credit Bureau (CIBIL, Experian, etc) so that we can clear our CC Outstanding before this date..

Sharing this data for a Couple of Card Issuers that I know of

HDFC Bank - End of Month (30/ 31st)
SBI Cards- 3 Days Post Bill Due Date

Please keep adding data for Other Credit Cards
What about One Card BOB and Niyo Dcb Bank reporting date?


KF Rookie
How did you all know when does the Bank send the credit report data to CIBIL, etc , I only know the bill generation date and I have IDFC First Wow Credit Card recently got it in Decemeber only and its Bill generation date is 17th of every month !!


KF Mentor
Hi All,

To maximise your Credit Score, your Credit Utilization must be kept below 30%. For this we should know on which date your Card Issuer/ Bank sends monthly reports to Credit Bureau (CIBIL, Experian, etc) so that we can clear our CC Outstanding before this date..

Sharing this data for a Couple of Card Issuers that I know of

HDFC Bank - End of Month (30/ 31st)
SBI Cards- 3 Days Post Bill Due Date

Please keep adding data for Other Credit Cards
HDFC has started weekly reporting I think so now


KF Rookie
Hi All,

To maximise your Credit Score, your Credit Utilization must be kept below 30%. For this we should know on which date your Card Issuer/ Bank sends monthly reports to Credit Bureau (CIBIL, Experian, etc) so that we can clear our CC Outstanding before this date..

Sharing this data for a Couple of Card Issuers that I know of

HDFC Bank - End of Month (30/ 31st)
SBI Cards- 3 Days Post Bill Due Date

Please keep adding data for Other Credit Cards
Got this new info from:


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