Credit card settlement


Staff member
You mean you're not able to pay the outstanding dues and you want the Bank to settle this? Please understand that this will have a huge negative impact on your credit score


KF Rookie
I wish to settle my credit cards, 2 out of 3.
1. Amazon pay
2. One card
3. Amex

I want to settle amazon pay and one card.

I already have a home loan running and no other emi's apart from this. How long will it affect my cibil score given I am paying for a Home loan and Amex on time


KF Mentor
Hello there,
By paying the amount is the only way for credit card settlement. Do not think about How much cibil score will affect?
You can go for cash loan if your cibil score is good. Navi is offering cash loans with zero processing fee and preclosure facility as well. You can opt for that and through their app you can check the loan and emi amount.
