KF Expert
Where can I check the product codes for all savings accounts of HDFC Bank ?
I am particularly interested in :
- Regular Savings ( 10k MAB)
- SavingsMax (25k MAB)
- Regular Salary Account (15k salary)
- Premium Salary Account (50k salary)
Also want to know if product codes differ for same product with different banking program ?
Example : SavingsMax classic vs SavingsMax preferred will have different product codes ?
Where can I check the product codes for all savings accounts of HDFC Bank ?
I am particularly interested in :
- Regular Savings ( 10k MAB)
- SavingsMax (25k MAB)
- Regular Salary Account (15k salary)
- Premium Salary Account (50k salary)
Also want to know if product codes differ for same product with different banking program ?
Example : SavingsMax classic vs SavingsMax preferred will have different product codes ?