Rohit Muchhal

KF Rookie
Hi everyone, I have a HDFC current account from more than 3 years now at the time of account opening via verbal communication bank executive had told me that minimum balance should be 10,000 & I was maintaining that science from 3years, now in January 2024 suddenly bank deducted 7080 Rs/ (for two quarters) for non maintaining the minimum balance & when I reached the bank for the details they said your minimum balance limit is 50,000 & they are not accepting that their employee has given me the wrong info, so my concern is that is there any way to get refund because i have given a written application to the branch manager for the issue, but he is not cooperating, can anyone help me with the issue
you can do the following things in order to resolve your issues

1) Ask the manager to transfer your current account to a basic 0 balance account (for future prevention), and if they refuse, ask them to close this account. Then you can open your account at any other bank, but I think they will not want to lose a customer, so they will accept your request.

2) Go and file a complaint with the RBI ombudsman regarding the same, and you will see your manager cooperating and resolving your issue (which is highly effective in recovering the loss).

do let me know the updates regarding this and if you need anymore help, I would help you to clear them for sure


KF Rookie
same happened to my father bro our account was for 5000 maintenance yearly and we maintained well but they deducted 308something/quater for non maintainece by saying that you have 10000 marinated bank account but when i visit to branch they said now our branch convert from rural to urban now there will be no 5000 maintained account but you can convert and into 2500 maintained acconut and they said to write application for refund of charges but charges didn't refunded but i convert by bank account to 2500 by filling form of account conversion i will visit tomorrow ask my refund tomorrow and share with thanks by your query i remember my problem

Rohit Muchhal

KF Rookie
you can do the following things in order to resolve your issues

1) Ask the manager to transfer your current account to a basic 0 balance account (for future prevention), and if they refuse, ask them to close this account. Then you can open your account at any other bank, but I think they will not want to lose a customer, so they will accept your request.

2) Go and file a complaint with the RBI ombudsman regarding the same, and you will see your manager cooperating and resolving your issue (which is highly effective in recovering the loss).

do let me know the updates regarding this and if you need anymore help, I would help you to clear them for sure
ok will try this, do you have the email id of RBI ombudsman?