HMDA Master Plan 2031

Sketch Of HMDA Master Plan 2031

Hyderabad is amongst the top financial hubs within the country and is expected to grow exponentially in the coming years. HMDA (Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority) is going to play a crucial role in its developmental phase. The agency’s primary task is to handle urban planning integral to the city's economic and social growth.

The agency has devised a mandal-wise roadmap to promote, supervise and secure development within Hyderabad by 2031. The master plan will guarantee the city's rapid expansion and will cover a large area for well-balanced urban development.30th Jan 2013, HMDA Master Plan 2031 came into effect for planned development within Hyderabad.

Highlights of HMDA Master Plan 2031

HMDA has conceptualized to cover five districts extending up to 55 Mandals with its in-depth planning process. The development in the proposed areas will be undertaken after much consideration of vital factors like local scenarios and developmental needs. As per the agency's proposed plan, a vast area extending up to 7228km will be covered under this master plan. The agency has outlined a structured and comprehensive proposal to accommodate an upcoming population of 184 lakhs.

Amongst the rising inhabitants, the workforce population is expected to rise to 65lakh by 2031. The master plan is concentrated and classified into varying land-use zoning processes divided into 12 well-defined zones. Here discussed below are the zoning of land use identified in HMDA Master Plan 2031.
  1. Residential Zone: The residential zone constitutes four distinct zones, namely R1, R2, R3 and R4. R1 zone covers the contiguous urban locations where an exhaustive road construction plan will be the forefront factor. R2 extends to the non-contiguous areas for land-use zones and road planning. R3 highlights the remaining urban areas that will feature land usage plan proposals. R4 covers the entire rural setting to aid with natural expansion.
  2. Peri-Urban Zone Use: The highlight of Peri-urban zone use consists of urban areas that are contiguous towards growth corridors. The Metropolitan master plan also features urban nodes for the development process.
  3. Commercial sector usage zone: This specific zone concentrates on the zones that are assigned for activities regarding commerce or trade. All varying types of commercial activities come under the commercial sector usage zone.
  4. Manufacturing zone: Manufacturing zoning land usage in segregated into two categories namely work centres and manufacturing usage zones. The plan emphasizes specific regulations to be followed for residential built.
  5. Multifunctional zones: This Multifunctional zone is subdivided into four different categories namely GDPZ, special development, Mutli-use and central-square.
  6. Semi-Public & Public zones: This zone constitutes three varying zones Utility zone, Public zone and Semi-Public amenities.
  7. Forestry zone: This zone is reserved for the sole purpose of safeguarding the forest within the city. The zoning regulation states that no other activity can be undertaken within the zone except for the growth of greenery and plants. The forest department has been notified of any concerns or issues.
  8. Transportation & Traffic zone usage: Traffic zoning highlights the transport-related services. Transportation zoning is sub-divided into four varying categories bus depots, roads, air transportation and railways. The plan is devised to focus on the development of facilities for hassle-free activities.
  9. Water-body Zone: This zoning area covers all the water bodies within the state. The water bodies include rivers, tanks, lakes, streams, etc. The protected areas are exempt from use zones that constitute water bodies with green buffers.
  10. Special-reservation zone: The special reservation zone constitutes different categories, including Heritage buildings, military lands, Bio-Conversation zones and others.
  11. Open-space zone: The proposed zoning plan specifies entertainment and open areas like playgrounds, athletic fields, exhibition spaces, etc. It has three distinct divisions Recreational-Use zone, open-space buffer and Himayath-Sagar Afforestation-zone.
  12. Agricultural zone: The remaining land use is allocated as an agricultural zone. The main purpose of land zoning is to help focus on the growth of agriculture and livestock. The agricultural land-use zone consists of areas like farms, pastures, ranches, etc.
It is vital to note that the proposed master plan is designed to ensure that the developmental plan is undertaken by following the assigned regulations regarding the land-use zone. The specific land use zone regulation takes into account the vital local factors to guarantee successful execution.

To Sum Up, HMDA Master Plan 2031 is designed to guarantee all-around development. The radical-centric approach ensures that the state experiences enhanced economic possibilities. The government is also looking to hire experts and seek guidance to regulate the proposed developmental plan. HMDA will act as a catalyst for Hyderabad's continued progression.

The master plan will play a significant role in enhancing the resident living standards in upcoming years. Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority is crucial to ensuring sustainable development that guarantees quality lifestyle and environmental development. Enhanced urban services will allow more economic opportunities to aid with overall growth within Hyderabad.