Income tax payment of 23 lakhs via Credit card


KF Ace
I am looking to make a payment for income tax payment of 23 lakhs for 2 family member ideally before 15 November.

Let me know which would be the best credit cards for this purpose.

Existing Cards: hdfc business regalia bob eterna axis select indus legend n tiger

max credit limit - 6 lakh on HDFC Buisnes Regalia

I cant get Biz Black yet, as online application declined n now it states to reapply after 3 months

Which are best credit cards to pay it?
I am open to getting new cards for this.

WONT MIND HIGH FEE CARD LIKE AMEX PLAT IF GOOD BENEFITS. Or milestone benefits card as well.

And mainly want to know reward rate after payment gayeways charges and also if milestones benefits and reward rate as new to miles and points.


KF Rookie
You can apply for Biz Power incase Biz Black you are not eligible for it. Returns are 50% of what Biz Black gives but still better.

I use Biz Black and the gateway charges are 0.85%.

Effective Reward Rate is.
3.33%-0.85% = 2.48%

But you still get those points for the 0.85% as well. Use it to create expense and reduce your income tax burden.

Amex Platinum Travel gives you milestone benefits for Govt Income Tax Transactions paid thru Canara Bank Gateway. Charges are aprrox 1% but if you end up paying 4lacs you get 40000 MR points which is actually even better than HDFC Biz Black as it is close to 10% returns and You can use those points for Marriot Bonvoy

And get 2 cards of Amex for such a big sum so atleast you are eligible for points in both the cards