Mutual fund portfolio cleanup


KF Rookie
Hi there, how to reduce no. Of funds in mutual funds portfolio when the weightage of funds are quite sizeable(15-20 L)


KF Mentor
Hi @adatre
First, check your current % of allocation in different types of mutual funds.
Then based on your risk appetite, you can try to balance it as follows:

  • Large Cap MFs: 50%-60%
  • Mid Cap MFs: 15%-25%
  • Small Cap MFs: 15%-25%
  • Large Cap MFs: 70%-75%
  • Mid Cap & Small Cap MFs: 25%-30%
  • Go for Large Cap MFs mostly and some % in Flexi Cap MFs.

To decide, which mutual funds to keep/discard, you need to check which of these funds are overlapping. There are many websites which allow you to check the overlapping of mutual funds like Fundpicker, advisorkhoj etc.
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  • Review Your Portfolio: Begin by reviewing your current portfolio. Evaluate each fund's performance, expense ratios, investment objectives, and how they fit into your overall investment strategy.
  • Identify Overlapping Funds: Look for overlapping investments across your funds. If multiple funds hold similar stocks or sectors, you might be duplicating your holdings unnecessarily.
  • Assess Fund Performance: Analyze the performance of each fund over different time periods. Consider consolidating your investments into funds with consistent, strong performance and clear investment strategies.
  • Consider Asset Allocation: Ensure that your portfolio maintains a balanced asset allocation suitable for your risk tolerance and investment goals. Consolidating funds can help simplify this process.
  • Diversification: While reducing the number of funds, ensure that you maintain diversification across asset classes and sectors. Avoid concentrating your investments in a single fund or asset type.
  • Exit Strategy: Develop a plan for exiting funds you decide to sell. Consider potential tax implications and any applicable redemption fees.
  • Consult a Financial Advisor: If you're unsure about which funds to consolidate or how to rebalance your portfolio, consider seeking advice from a qualified financial advisor. They can provide personalized recommendations based on your individual circumstances and goals.