Reports of international transactions on cards - Fraudulent.. Watch Out


KF Mentor
Lots of reports of. fraudulent international transactions on axis cards to start and now for a few other banks.. Watch out.. Keep mobile numbers updated, disable. international transactions on cards and limit the domestic as well on cards that are not regularly used...


Staff member
Guys please note, there are clear rules by RBI from recovery of such fraud transactions -
  • Within 3 days: If you report fraud transaction within 3 days of the incident, then you will bear zero liability for it. In this case, 100% amount will be refunded
  • Within 4-7 days: If you report fraud transaction within 4-7 days of the incident, then you will have to bear liability of INR 5,000 to INR 25,000. Balance amount will be refunded
  • After 7 days: If you fail to report within within 7 days, the bank will not be liable to refund any amount to you


KF Mentor
Guys please note, there are clear rules by RBI from recovery of such fraud transactions -
  • Within 3 days: If you report fraud transaction within 3 days of the incident, then you will bear zero liability for it. In this case, 100% amount will be refunded
  • Within 4-7 days: If you report fraud transaction within 4-7 days of the incident, then you will have to bear liability of INR 5,000 to INR 25,000. Balance amount will be refunded
  • After 7 days: If you fail to report within within 7 days, the bank will not be liable to refund any amount to you
now being reported for many banks including domestic transactions :(