SBI Credit Card - Auto debit vs auto sweep


KF Rookie
I understand what auto-debit is in credit cards, but not sure about auto-sweep - and how is it different from auto debit; And whether someone opt for it or not? Also in their application noticed that they come with 'enable marketing' as yes


KF Mentor
It is usually useful for biz or HNIs with multiple accounts/credit accounts.

Company X has a line of credit with Bank B in the amount of $1 million. Currently, X is borrowing $300,000 of the $ 1 million, which needs to be repaid. X also has a savings account with Bank B that is used to make regular business payments or used for any other business purposes. Company X sets up a target balance that stipulates that any amount in the deposit account that is over $285,000 on any given day, can be used to pay down the outstanding $300,00 loan. During one week, on a Friday, the amount in the deposit account is $295,000, so Bank B uses the additional $10,000 above the target balance to pay down $10,000 of the $300,000 borrowed amount.