Suggestions for communities similar to 'Bekifaayati'


KF Rookie
I recently joined 'Bekifaayati' and learning much about finance and other related spheres every day. Moderators here are very knowledgeable. I want to explore more such communities just like 'Bekifaayati'. Can someone suggest communities that I can follow for more knowledge about the finance world.
I recently joined 'Bekifaayati' and learning much about finance and other related spheres every day. Moderators here are very knowledgeable. I want to explore more such communities just like 'Bekifaayati'. Can someone suggest communities that I can follow for more knowledge about the finance world.
There are others but as my personal opinion I find it as information overload and most of the time I follow Bekifaayti itself.


KF Mentor
I recently joined 'Bekifaayati' and learning much about finance and other related spheres every day. Moderators here are very knowledgeable. I want to explore more such communities just like 'Bekifaayati'. Can someone suggest communities that I can follow for more knowledge about the finance world.
This is like saying I love medicine but I’d love to do engineering as well simultaneously 😅 pick your poison, I’ve been on a few communities and this one so far has been the best.( except for the annoying bots or spammers)