Want to switch coral CC to Rupay CC, but as per customer care old card would be deactivated and new card will be issued. Will this impact my credit c


KF Rookie
Want to switch coral CC to Rupay CC, but as per customer care old card would be deactivated and new card will be issued. Will this impact my credit card history and cibil score?


KF Mentor
You have the platinum chip card or not...
If you only have the coral card then better to get rupay first before the closure of existing card


KF Master
Coral CC paid?
If not then ask them if you want a rupay card to with shared limit. You'll have 2 cards.
When ICICI starts instant discounts during sales, it starts preapproving most of its cards as LTF, last October I got coral rupay LTF few days before the dassura sale


KF Ace
You can't convert and change credit card Payment gateway from visa to master to rupay card. You will have to get new rupay credit card and then close ur coral card by calling customer care.