Can i apply for sbi cashback card?

I have sbi simplyclick card with 101000rs limit.
It is 1.3 year old. My cibil is 777. Can i apply for sbi cashback card without any rejection.


KF Expert
I have sbi simplyclick card with 101000rs limit.
It is 1.3 year old. My cibil is 777. Can i apply for sbi cashback card without any rejection.
Absolutely, you're good to go for that SBI Cashback credit card, even if you're already rocking the SBI SimplyClick card. Here's the scoop:

1. SBI's taking a fresh look at all past rejections, including those from folks like you who already hold an SBI card.

2. Some folks hit a speed bump with their SBI Cashback card application at first, but after a bit of back-and-forth with the bank, they got the green light.

3. Having one SBI card in your wallet doesn't slam the door on getting another. It's not like having one means you're automatically out of the running for the other.

4. Oh, and hey, nice going on that impressive CIBIL score of 777! That's definitely a gold star on your application.

Looks like the stars are aligning for you to give that Cashback card a shot. And if things don't click right off the bat, don't sweat it. Just give the bank a nudge and see if they'll give your application another look.


KF Mentor
I have sbi simplyclick card with 101000rs limit.
It is 1.3 year old. My cibil is 777. Can i apply for sbi cashback card without any rejection.
You are good to apply but no one can guarantee if it will not be rejected. Banks have their own criteria for approval and rejections which may sometimes be counterintuitive. Apply and take your chances.