swiggy hdfc

  1. H

    HDFC Rejecting Any Credit Card

    I have applied for HDFC Swiggy Card on October and it showed "we don't have any offer for you" when I approched customer support for the reason, they suggested me to apply through branch and there also after submitting all documents noting happend not even a rejected mail came. And Today when I...
  2. S

    Hdfc swiggy cashback credit card

    So I have applied for a ltf hdfc card few months ago, and received it. Now wants to get this swiggy credit card but it is showing me this. How long do I have to wait before I apply for a new hdfc credit card?
  3. TaxWiser

    HDFC Lifetime Free (LTF) Credit Cards

    Festive Offer until 31st December 2024 🥳 HDFC LTF CC: Swiggy HDFC, Tata Neu Infinity & Plus CC Grab it before it's gone 🤗 Best of Luck 👍
  4. H

    Multiple Hdfc credit card

    Hey geeks, I have been holding swiggy HDFC credit card for around 2 months now, so can i apply for Core Hdfc card alongside this? Or hdfc doesn't allows this, please answer me with all the possible solutions.