Bank of Baroda Home Loan


KF Rookie
Hello, anybody has any experience with bank of Baroda wrt Home loan? I am planning to take Home loan with overdraft facility from BoB as interest rate is same for regular and overdraft. I compared with SBI max gain and found BoB better.


KF Rookie
bank of baroda is a good option for home loan, I wanna know what type of housing loan u want only in LAP case/ mortgage u got OD facilty + TL might be one only, it depends on your profile


KF Expert
Hello All, I am going to get the homeloan from Bank Of Baroda and they have been suggesting to go with insurance with Niva Bupa & india First Life and below is what is proposed to me by both insurance companies -

IndiaFirst -
Home Loan-5920000/-
1)Insurance premium:-133774/-(Without Roi 0.05% Benefits)
*Loan Term Cover :- 12 Years.

2)Insurance premium:-371171/-(With Roi 0.05% Benefits)
*Loan Term Cover :- 23 Years.

Benefit option - life Cover.(Critical Illnesses cover benefits Riders)
Single Premium with Life Cover

Benefits of GLP Plus :
All kind of death are covered
Get risk Premium benefit
Get the flexibility to cover borrowers against Home ,Education Vehicle & personal Loans.
Loan Borrowers get to safeguard their future assets from any out -standing loan liability resulting from an untoward event in their life.
Get Comprehensive protection in case of an unfortunate event, be it death
It gives an opportunity to cover Joint Borrowers under one plan & ensuring a complete security for the love ones.
Choice between Level or Reducing cover as per your needs.
Enjoy Tax benefits as per prevailing Tax laws.
Policy surrender option available
Policy is Valid till actual policy term .

Niva Bupa -
Home Loan : 59.20 Lac

Premium with GST: 114291/-

Premium Xpress health with GST:- 23603/-

Total- 137894/-

Tenure :5 years

Some of the Key highlights of this product are given below:

· Survival period is Zero – Customer get the claim in case of both death or survival in CI.

· 41 Critical Illnesses are covered under this Policy – the highest available!

· An Income Protector to cover initial loss of Income due to Critical Illnesses – Rs.25000 per month for 3 months for salaried person

· Accidental Death/Permanent total disability cover in-built in new GCC Plus

The Proposition:

Niva Bupa has identified 41 potential Critical illnesses (List attached in mail) that could destroy the Cash outflow of a Loan customer. In the unfortunate eventuality of any of these diseases striking the Customer, Niva Bupa will pay the outstanding Loan to BOB and remaining Sum Insurance to the Customer.

I am confused which one to buy, I will appreciate your thoughts .