KF Expert
what about the 18% he made using the 2L ?Its a circle.. U are not benefitting after month 1..do the math.. Eg. Month 1 Withdrawn 2 L / made 18% in stocks / end of month paid 2L and withdraw 2L.again...So after Month 1.. no additional benefit.. Just Month 1 one time.. 2L 1 month interest free.. and will always remain due..Anyway.. good luck.. stay safe
i agree that this is against the RBI's guidelines.
But what this guy is basically doing is rotating money taken from cc and while holding the money(even if its for just 1 month), he is making 5% to 18% profits on that from stock market.
Same thing Harshad Mehta used to do.
Take 5CR loan from one bank to transfer to another bank but while holding the amount for 1 or 2 weeks (because of manual process- Bank Receipts), he used to churn profits out of that money. Of course Harshad mehta finally lost the money and could not repay the banks at the end.
@Pk shaw be careful of (1) losing the money. (2) getting noticed by Bank/ITD.