Dual pan card linked


KF Expert
I am customer of rbl bank and do maintain good balance. Apart from this having good credit score and good income as well .
Recently I applied for rbl credit card and the application got rejected. I asked my RM to please confirm me the reason of rejection and she stated that customer has more pan cards or dual pan cards linked.

I was really surprised to know this, as I have never faced this issue with another bank. Anyone has faced similar sort of issue earlier?


KF Master
I am customer of rbl bank and do maintain good balance. Apart from this having good credit score and good income as well .
Recently I applied for rbl credit card and the application got rejected. I asked my RM to please confirm me the reason of rejection and she stated that customer has more pan cards or dual pan cards linked.

I was really surprised to know this, as I have never faced this issue with another bank. Anyone has faced similar sort of issue earlier?
Have you checked? Really 2 PAN cards linked to your savings account?