How to save on fuel(diesel) on monthly basis?


KF Rookie
I order diesel of around 50k every month for my factory and am trying to find if there is any method through which i can save some money on fuel cost??


KF Rookie
i have been using my indian oil axis bank cc and have linked it via gpay to pay at pumps..i get 20x reward points plus iocl points..double benefits...
Get some credit cards which gives around 5% or more cashback on fuel spends like bpcl sbi card (only works on bpcl pumps also you can't save on more than 10k worth spends in a month) or indian oil cards or hpcl cards (whichever pump you get diesel from).
I don't know any card which gives unlimited cashback so you might need to get 3-4 of these cards to save maximum. Also if possible you should get fuel from different company's pumps if possible like 1/3rd of the requirement from indian oil, 1/3rd from hpcl, rest from bpcl so that you can take advantage of all the different cards you can get. Just do some research.