Investment for less than 45 days

Can you suggest me some good investment instrument for 40-45 days lockin period, No risk appetite I can't do intraday trading and stuffs, not looking for huge returns 4.5-6% is sufficient. Is there any option? Also I couldn't find any bank with such smaller period, if there's any bank can suggest?


KF Mentor
Can you suggest me some good investment instrument for 40-45 days lockin period, No risk appetite I can't do intraday trading and stuffs, not looking for huge returns 4.5-6% is sufficient. Is there any option? Also I couldn't find any bank with such smaller period, if there's any bank can suggest?
Bank Savings Acct with idfc etc gives u 7% above a certain amount
Thanks but that's calculated quarterly right? Correct me if I am wrong, Also is there any short term FDs for such longer period? Ie 40 days?