Minmum critaria for sbi credit card card to card apply onilne or offline


KF Ace
I want to get an sbi credit card on the card to card basis i have icici amazon pay and icici bank coral rupay credit card with 45 k limit


KF Mentor
Basic criteria is like above the age of 21 years. You must be a salaried employee, self-employed, or retired person. Also, you must have gross income of 3 Lakh per year


KF Rookie
if you have an account in sbi it will prettey easy for you .. you can visit sbi card website and serch for various credit cardd and all necessery detalis are mentioned over there... but i will presonally suggest you if you have amazone pay icici bank credit card with 45k limit and you want to appply sbi credit card in card to card basis then 1st increase your icici bank credit card limit then you will get a decent ammount of sbi card limit.. and oviously your card must be 6 months older atleast ... hence sbi is a goverment sector bank and its rule are much more strict