Quant Mutual FUND SIP


KF Rookie
Dear Members,

I want to start SIP in Quant Mutual Fund. As SEBI is investigating Front Running case against them, is it advisable to start now or have to wait for sometime. I really like their approach of investing. Also all investors money is safe or not ? Any suggestions would be highly appreciated.


KF Mentor
Dear Members,

I want to start SIP in Quant Mutual Fund. As SEBI is investigating Front Running case against them, is it advisable to start now or have to wait for sometime. I really like their approach of investing. Also all investors money is safe or not ? Any suggestions would be highly appreciated.
Start somewhere else.. for now


KF Expert
Quant MF is good. Many frunt running cases happened with bigger MF in past like HDFC MF, Axis MF and many will happen in future. It's employee level issue and not management level. Anyways your return will be based on stock performance in market