Tap and pay in Flipkart axis Bank problem


KF Rookie
I recently received my Flipkart axis Bank credit card and I'm trying to save my card details on Cred and Google pay I'm unable to do because not getting OTP also not able to use my card for tap and pay I did all the required setup. I also try to talk with customer support but I don't get any help.


KF Mentor
did you enable tap and pay for the card in axis app or netbanking. if still not working try to get new card may be contactless payment chip not working


KF Rookie
If it's chip is not working still I can save my card in payment app like cred and gpay but I'm not getting OTP for its setup


KF Ace
I recently received my Flipkart axis Bank credit card and I'm trying to save my card details on Cred and Google pay I'm unable to do because not getting OTP also not able to use my card for tap and pay I did all the required setup. I also try to talk with customer support but I don't get any help.
Try to add a 100/- money somewhere like Amazon wallet from CC by entering card number etc in payment options, if you didn't get OTP 's for payment then there could be 4 possibilities:

  1. Check whether you have activated the card properly, and also enabled all payment options & limits.
  2. Change the Sim to other mobile and repeat the process
  3. Try adding the card all possible vendors (to see if anything works out)
  4. Try replacing the card if nothing else left over , it may be defective

If customer care asks the reason for replacement, just say them the card was defective and you were unable to make payments and not even getting otp.