Want to have my first credit card. Is there a way to get an ICICI Sapphiro Credit Card Lifetime FREE?


KF Mentor
I have my account in SBI for years. But never tried to get a Credit Card. Is it good to have credit card. Someone recommended me of Sapphiro. But how to get an ICICI Sapphiro Credit Card Lifetime FREE? I want to get rid of the annual charges

Manoj Kohli

KF Expert
Good Choice with ICICI Sapphiro as it is one of the most premium Credit Cards from ICICI. Most of us are not aware but ICICI is running an Alumni Program for this card, I got my Card LTF under same Program. Under this program, if you're an alumni of top tier college IIT, IIMs, FMS, NITs, etc you could could get this Card Lifetime Free.

While applying you just need to enter your Institute Code, and while Video KYC you need to show the College ID (also ned to upload the same while applying). I'm also attaching the list of Institutes along with their code for easy reference

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KF Rookie
Choosing a card depends on lot of factors.
  • The type of reward you want? Is it cashback or points or miles
  • What benefits you want like? Golf or BOGO on movies or something else
  • Which city you live in? coz some cards might not be present in all pincode
  • how much you spend in a year? Is it 1 lacs 2 lacs or 5 lacs. One card might give you good rewards till you spend 1 lacs rupee, but might not be good if your spending is let say 3 lacs or more a year.
If these are clear, then we can definitely help you.