Why Buy a House in India?


KF Ace
What's the allure of purchasing a house in India? The idea of buying property in India for investment purposes might not appear rational from both a financial and mental perspective.

The rationale behind buying a house usually holds water when it serves as your own residence. Yet, even this notion is open to debate to some degree. What are your thoughts?
Buying a house in India offers numerous advantages, including long-term investment potential, stability, security, and the pride of homeownership. It's a tangible asset that appreciates over time, provides a sense of belonging in the community, and offers potential rental income or resale value. Additionally, owning a home can offer tax benefits and protection against inflation. Overall, it's a solid investment in both financial and personal security for the future.


KF Mentor
Buying a house in India offers numerous advantages, including long-term investment potential, stability, security, and the pride of homeownership. It's a tangible asset that appreciates over time, provides a sense of belonging in the community, and offers potential rental income or resale value. Additionally, owning a home can offer tax benefits and protection against inflation. Overall, it's a solid investment in both financial and personal security for the future.
its a stable investment in the long run as we never invest this quantum of money in one asset ever! eg. will you put 50L in stock market at one time.. never for most ppl.. so overall it is a decent avenue to invest in or for self use.. Biggest disadvantage though is that it is fairly illiquid.. so any urgent money need cannot be fulfilled


KF Ace
its a stable investment in the long run as we never invest this quantum of money in one asset ever! eg. will you put 50L in stock market at one time.. never for most ppl.. so overall it is a decent avenue to invest in or for self use.. Biggest disadvantage though is that it is fairly illiquid.. so any urgent money need cannot be fulfilled
What's the allure of purchasing a house in India? The idea of buying property in India for investment purposes might not appear rational from both a financial and mental perspective.

The rationale behind buying a house usually holds water when it serves as your own residence. Yet, even this notion is open to debate to some degree. What are your thoughts?
Buying a house in India can be appealing because it tends to increase in value over time, offering a good investment. It also gives a sense of stability and security, which many people value. Plus, owning a home is often seen as a symbol of success and provides a place to call your own. But, it's important to think about things like where the house is located and how the housing market is doing before making a decision.