Zerodha Tax Saver (ELSS) Nifty 250 Index Fund Review


Staff member
Here is a brief review of the Zerodha Tax Saver (ELSS) Nifty 250 Index Fund

-Index has 50-50 weights for Large Cap and Mid Caps with quarterly reset. So in a sense it is combination of 2 Index Funds - Nifty 100 Large Cap + Nifty 150 Mid Caps.

-Interesting to note that Most AMCs can only offer 1 ELSS Fund (Passive or Active). Naturally, AMCs choose to offer active ELSS funds because Expense Ratio for Actively Managed Funds is almost 4-5X of Passively Managed Funds. Zerodha chose to launch in the the Passive Fund Category

-Acceptable Expense Ratio of 0.20%. Zero Exit Load and Lock-In of 3 years (This is regulatory)

-Team is relatively new, but shouldn't be a Major Concern as these are Passive Funds.

-Min SIP Amount of 500