Any Suggestions on what all to look into while taking a house on heavy deposite?

Puneet Gupta

KF Rookie
If you want my opinion. It is never a good idea to buy a home by taking home loan. its better to live in a rented house. If you still interested to buy a home on loan its up to you because i am not aware of your budget and your requirement i cannot comment much on it


KF Rookie
If you want my opinion. It is never a good idea to buy a home by taking home loan. its better to live in a rented house. If you still interested to buy a home on loan its up to you because i am not aware of your budget and your requirement i cannot comment much on it
I'm with the same view bt few days before pranjam kamra said if u can pay decent amount as down pay etc then go for own home.You may watch it on YouTube.
No I was not talking about buying a house. We can rent a house in two ways, one is usual by paying monthly rent or the other option is paying few lakhs as a heavy deposit for that house and then you dont have to pay rent until owner gives that deposit back. This situation is beneficial for both owner and tenant as tenant is losing only interest on that deposit which is lesser than amount he would have usually paid as rent and for owner he can get interest free loan faster and without paying hefty interest to bank for a loan