Can it is possible to remove genuine cibil enquiry?


KF Rookie
I applied too much bank credit card but mostly are rejected, can it is possible to remove some enquiries in cibil but I genuinely applied
and I have 1 year premium subscription of cibil


KF Mentor
I applied too much bank credit card but mostly are rejected, can it is possible to remove some enquiries in cibil but I genuinely applied
and I have 1 year premium subscription of cibil
It's very difficult. You can still try to contact concerned banks through email with request for removing some enquiries.


KF Mentor
I applied too much bank credit card but mostly are rejected, can it is possible to remove some enquiries in cibil but I genuinely applied
and I have 1 year premium subscription of cibil
Genuine enquiry can't be removed. It has a timespan of three years.