How can I optimize group flight booking?


KF Rookie
1. I have my wedding coming up in 2 months and I have to fly 24 people to Bangalore. I checked with Air India Express Group Booking Help Desk and they gave me a quotation of INR 7500 per pax + seat booking charges. However, they want me to pay the amount to a given bank account. I asked for an option to pay via a credit card but they denied it. I have my Amex Platinum Travel Card and want to put it to use. I was thinking of purchasing MMT e-gift cards from gyftr and making 3 different bookings of 9 + 9 + 6 seats. Are there any potential downsides for doing this? Are there any other more efficient ways of doing this?

2. Similarly, I have gold purchases that are coming up and I was thinking of using the Malabar gift vouchers from Gyftr. Is there a better option out there for gold purchases?

3. Since I'll be hitting my 4L spend on my Amex Platinum Travel card, would Axis Atlas be a good option for the rest of the expenses? And can I use axis Gyftr similar to Amex, as a workaround for the gold purchase exclusion?

Calling for all the credit card gurus in the community, thanks in advance.


KF Ace
I’m not certain about the other plans, so I'll leave it to the other members to weigh in and support you on those. As for your idea of using Axis Gyftr, since you mentioned you have an Axis Atlas card and didn’t specify any other Axis Credit Card, I want to let you know that the Axis Atlas card can’t be used on the Axis Gyftr platform, GIFT EDGE. My suggestion would be to book your flight tickets with the Axis Atlas card and use the AMEX Platinum Travel for Gold.


KF Rookie
I’m not certain about the other plans, so I'll leave it to the other members to weigh in and support you on those. As for your idea of using Axis Gyftr, since you mentioned you have an Axis Atlas card and didn’t specify any other Axis Credit Card, I want to let you know that the Axis Atlas card can’t be used on the Axis Gyftr platform, GIFT EDGE. My suggestion would be to book your flight tickets with the Axis Atlas card and use the AMEX Platinum Travel for Gold.
Appreciate the suggestion 😊