KF Ace
I applied for loan with IDBI bank in june 2024. It was a construction loan and i own part property, means original plot size was 3960 sq. ft then in 1996 I bought 1960 sq. ft out of 3960 sq. ft. I have certified copy of registry and original sale deed is with my neighbour. IDBI bank told me to get the documents verified with advocate, i gave all the documents to advocate and he scanned all the documents. Loan got sanctioned however they did not disburse loan and asking me to submit original sale deed which my neighbour has to disburse the loan, which I think weird as no one will keep their origianl registry with bank so that neighbour can get loan on the part of the property they owned.
After registering complaint with RBI against IDBI branch they shared legal report submitted by advocate. There it was mentioned that bank will keep original title deed for loan disbursement.
Can anyone help here with legal options i can take against IDBI bank.
By the way I applied for loan with HDFC bank which got disbursed also. I wonder why HDFC didn't ask to keep original sale deed.
After registering complaint with RBI against IDBI branch they shared legal report submitted by advocate. There it was mentioned that bank will keep original title deed for loan disbursement.
Can anyone help here with legal options i can take against IDBI bank.
By the way I applied for loan with HDFC bank which got disbursed also. I wonder why HDFC didn't ask to keep original sale deed.